Thursday, September 20, 2007

poetry blog name

Please help me pick a new name for the poetry blog I want to start. I listed a few options in the poll on the right, but if anyone has any other suggestions, please leave a comment. I want it to be a collection of work I love that has already been written, work of my own, and poetry by other people if they are willing to have it posted. I don't necessarily have to love it all, which is why I liked the Potluck Poetry idea for a name, but it didn't sound artistic, classy or symbolic enough for what I usually prefer, but it IS down to earth and simple and an honest representation of what the blog will hopefully be so that's all good. Any ideas? :) Thanks


Christianne Page said...

How about Poetry Poupourri?

Girl Fisher said...

My cheesy suggestion:

POeTryPOURRI. I was thinking potpourri would go well with the French titles, and I thought Poetry Pourri would be good...until I babelfish translated pourri and found out it meant "rotted." Oops!

Girl Fisher said...

Isn't that funny that two people came up with the same thing!

Lady Cayt said...

that is funny! :) I really like the French connection and I love potpourri, plus, it will be a collection of memories, ideas and words (some old) just like potpourri is a collection of old leaves and flowers; some smell nice and some stink :) it's worth considering :) thanks!