Wednesday, March 05, 2008

doc in training

Tonight Charley and Ben enjoyed playing with a new kids doc kit. While we imagined various emergency scenarios and illnesses, I mentioned to Charley that he was a good doctor to which he very quickly replied, "I'm an excellent doctor!" nuff said.


Girl Fisher said...

LOL Not only is he an excellent doctor, but he knows that being excellent is better than being good! Isn't it funny how young they understand superlatives?

Girl Fisher said...

I've been expecting a post about the RI and TX primaries! ;-)

Lady Cayt said...

I think the truth is almost too depressing to talk about; that and I'm afraid my post might make a lot of people frustrated with me, but hey, that never stopped me before :) thanks for the encouragement! :)

Lady Cayt said...

your wish is my command :)

Lady Cayt said...

wow, you actually know what 'superlatives' means! I would have had to look that one up. :)